Leading Roles to recruit new CEO for Isaac Regional Council

Following a 40-year career in local government, incumbent CEO Gary Stevenson will retire after five years of dedicated service to Isaac Regional Council.
Leading Roles Principal, Mark Ogston, said Gary has been an exemplary leader in the local government sector and there are “big shoes to fill”.
“Leading Roles placed Gary as the CEO of Isaac Regional Council in May 2016,” Mark said.
“Gary has successfully led the council and positioned it as a stable, progressive organisation that values its people and achieves positive outcomes for its community.”
“We are also looking forward to working with Cr Anne Baker, Mayor of Isaac Regional Council and her council. Cr Baker is an exceptional and insightful mayor, who leads a high performing and engaged elected member group, committed to the local community and the region,” Mark said.
Cr Baker said Gary has brought a high level of professionalism to the role and his trusted advice has been instrumental in shaping the future direction of Council and the Region.
“Gary informed Council early last year that he intended to retire in 2021, so we have been able to put in place a thoughtful and orderly plan to ensure a smooth transition to the incoming CEO,” Cr Baker said.
“Gary has guided our organisation through significant challenges and milestones during his time with us - including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic across our communities.”
“Although Council is very reluctant to farewell Gary, we respect his decision and understand that he wants to spend more time with his family,” Cr Baker said.
The Isaac Regional Council is seeking a highly capable and experienced Chief Executive who will lead the development of council’s strategy, community and organisational planning and drive the organisation into its next phase of advancement and service delivery. If you would like a confidential discussion about the CEO role at Isaac Regional Council, contact Mark on 0407 674 412 or

The Isaac Region
From picturesque coastal villages to modern mining towns, the Isaac region offers the best of coastal and country living. With friendly and diverse communities, Isaac is an amazing place to live, work and visit. Dugong sanctuaries, remote turtle nesting grounds, uninhabited islands and stunning national parks offer a unique opportunity to get back to nature and re-energise the mind.